BHS - Distance runners - Week of 3/18/2024

17 Mar by Ian gillespie

Another meet this Wednesday – home against Jesuit. As I i said at the start of our our season, our first two meets – for our new athletes would be the time to try all three of the distance events. So if you ran the 3000m at the first meet you will run the 800/1500 at this meet and vice versa.

Our more experienced runners – as I know what most of you hope to achieve this year i will add you in the event that fits with the overall goal for the season.

Hard workouts days this week are Monday and Friday

Spring Break week – we will have workouts – easy runs can be done on your own. Please respond to if you are around for spring break or any days that you are not available to workout. The plan will be for at least 2 workouts.



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